2008 Beijing Olympics

United States athlete says "Where the hell is Beijing?" Excluded from games? Pg. 3A


Barack Obama dumps Biden for a vice president more familiar to the nation? Pg. D8

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Dan Letornez- Writer for THE HEADLINE was once again unable to come up with material for today's article. This story was put in place of Dan's missing tabloid.
When asked why his article was incomplete during publication time, Letornez answered "I just couldn't find any good material. It was all taken by the other writers. Everything that was left was really lame."
Dan's career history shows that this is not the first time his articles have been empty. In fact, it's anything but. Letornez has missed, or procrastinated on his tabloids ever since he was fifteen, working for his school newspaper. In all, Dan Letornez has missed his deadline 37 times. "Not only is he lazy," Said Dan's boss, Harry Turnpike, "He's ridiculously picky about the stories he writes. He won't write about similar stories more than two times in a row, and he refuses to do car accidents or child abuse cases."
Dan Letornez was fired this morning at 11:45, and is being replaced by Bob Gornick, the pervious writer for the local page.

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